Pearl in the Sand–a Review by J. D. Rempel
Pearl in the Sand by Tessa Afshar is our first recommendation in our new category of reviews for the college-age student. It is a fictional account of Rahab. Truthfully, I didn’t want to read about...
9 Slightly Strange Stories with an Uplifting Edge–a Review by J. D. Rempel
Books 4 Christian Kids is proud to announce the release of 9 Slightly Strange Stories with an Uplifting Edge, an e-book by our own Donna Fujimoto*. It is a collection of science fiction short...
Through Rushing Water–a Review by J.D. Rempel
Through Rushing Water by Catherine Richmond and published by Thomas Nelson (2012) is categorized as an adult Christian romance, but reads like historical fiction. In 1876, Sophia Makinoff, who is...
Tim Tebow: A Promise Kept–a Review by J.D. Rempel
“Are you ready for some football?” is probably the NFL’s most famous question and is continually repeated throughout the season from late August to early February. On Sunday afternoons, Monday...
In Grandma’s Attic–a Review by J.D. Rempel
When eight-year-old Casey came over to spend the afternoon with me, I knew just which book to retrieve from my overcrowded bookshelves. Finding it, I ran my hand over the well-worn cover remembering...